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Wednesday, September 16, 2009


WALT : Follow an inquiry process.

This Term as we have been learning about China, we have continued building on the inquiry skills we learnt in Term 2. We brainstormed open questions as a class and then delegated these out to pairs. The part of China Imo and I were finding out more about was schools in China. We our information in books, on the internet and from Cindy. We used a data chart to make sure we triangulated all our information so we knew it was true. We then used Movie Maker to present our inquiry. I enjoyed making the movie because we got to choose how we wanted it and put all our idears together. An interesting fact I found out was that in the country they normally wear mufti will a red band to show that they go to that school but in the city they normally wear a uniform and have a P.E uniform, also in P.E they have to run around the track 50 times and do 100 sit-ups and 100 press-ups!!! My next learning step is to be more oranised when filming so that my videos are eazy to save and find because this time we made heaps of different folders and we had to keep changing folders to download onto the computer.


HOLLY said...

Hi Madison

I relly like your movie because you were very creative with it and I learnt alot about schools in China!!!

From Holly

Cindy said...

choose some places with not too many background noises. But it was pretty good

Haylee said...

i really liked the way you and madi had nice clear voices
and i liked the way you had lots of different settings with lots of information
i think that you could work on slowing down with your talking and try not to have any wind or voices in the back ground.


Maria said...

Hay Madi and Imo

i liked how you used nice clear vioce and how you used diffrent props!!!!! love da surfing!!!!!! and the awsome BLOPPERS!!! and behind the scenes

Maybe next time you could try to do the clips some were eles were the wind dos`nt blow to much wind !!!!

AWESOME MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emma said...

hey Maddi,
i really liked how yuo gave me lots of imformation and you speaked reallyCLEARLY.And i REALLY like the behined the secense.Next time rememger not to have to much nosie int he back ground.